Portugal Introduces Nationwide €20 Train Ticket for Unlimited Travel

Portugal plans a new €20 train ticket. This will allow residents to travel on all trains across the country for just €20 a month. The initiative aims to ease financial pressure on citizens and support climate protection.
In 2023, the government introduced a €49 ticket. It offered unlimited travel on most regional trains for a month to locals and tourists. However, high-speed trains and the urban networks in Porto, Lisbon, and Coimbra were not included. Now, the government plans to cut the price in half. It will also include intercity express trains, as Prime Minister Luís Montenegro announced:
“We will offer a €20 monthly ticket for all city trains, regional trains, intercity trains, and the Intercidades network.”
€20 Train Ticket in Portugal: Reducing costs while promoting sustainability
“It’s an investment in people, the environment, and the future,” said the Prime Minister.
The exact start date is unclear. Some questions remain. Can the railway infrastructure handle the increased demand? Will the ticket be available for tourists? The government is also deciding on train reservations and the cancellation policy.This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast / Kontrast Redaktion as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/portugal-introduces-nationwide-e20-train-ticket-for-unlimited-travel/

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Gas Price Cap, Rent Controls, and Affordable Food: Why Spain’s Economy is Booming

While the economy in some EU countries is stagnating and even slipping into recession, Spain’s economy is showing rapid growth. Spain’s socialist Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has implemented government interventions to regulate prices. This approach has kept inflation low over the past few years and stimulated economic growth. As a result, Spain is now a driving force within the EU and is projected to have the highest economic growth rate in the Eurozone for 2024.
Price Controls as a Successful Economic Strategy
Spain is one of the EU countries that has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic, energy crisis, and inflation surge particularly well. Its economic growth in recent years has far surpassed the EU average, and predictions for 2024 estimate a growth rate of 2.4–2.7%, making Spain the fastest-growing economy in the Eurozone. The Sánchez government took action during the energy crisis by intervening in prices, which helped keep inflation consistently low. Key measures included a gas price cap and rent controls, which helped curb price increases. In addition, the government suspended VAT on essential food items, helping to ease the burden of rising food costs.
Immigration as a Key to Spain’s Prosperity
Another factor behind Spain’s strong economic growth is the influx of skilled workers, particularly from Latin America. This immigration has eased the labor shortage in sectors like technology and hospitality. New immigration policies are expected to support this trend further.
While many European countries focus on restricting immigration, Spain has embraced an open approach. In mid-October 2024, Sánchez presented his plans to the Spanish Parliament, emphasizing that immigration is not only a humanitarian issue but also essential for the country’s economic future:
“It is necessary for the prosperity of our economy and the sustainability of the welfare state.”
The government plans to simplify the recognition of foreign qualifications, introduce a new labor migration program, and reduce bureaucratic hurdles for residence permits. At the same time, integration measures are being expanded.
Lowest Unemployment Rate in 15 Years
Spain’s unemployment rate skyrocketed following the financial crisis of the late 2000s. However, it has now fallen to around 11.3%, the lowest level in 15 years. This improvement is largely due to the robust economic growth under Sánchez’s leadership during recent crises.
Despite being high by European standards, many sectors in Spain, such as technology and construction, are facing a shortage of skilled workers. Rural areas, in particular, are struggling with depopulation and are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain essential infrastructure.
“We have elderly people who need caregivers but can’t find them. Businesses are looking for programmers, technicians, and builders but can’t find them. Rural schools need more children to avoid closing,” said Prime Minister Sánchez.
Sánchez also plans to ask the European Commission to bring forward the implementation of the EU-wide migration pact to next year. Under this plan, migrants and asylum seekers would be more evenly distributed among EU member states based on factors like GDP and population.
Spain’s Financial Market More Stable than France
Spain’s positive economic developments are also reflected in its financial market. Recently, the yields on 10-year French government bonds surpassed those of Spain for the first time. In simple terms, investors now receive a higher return for purchasing French government bonds compared to Spanish ones, suggesting that investors see Spain as a lower-risk country than France, the EU’s second-largest economy.
In January 2024, Spain’s bond yields were still 0.4 percentage points higher than France’s. During the worst of the Eurozone crisis, the difference between Spanish and French bonds was nearly five percentage points.

This article was updated on October 11 to include the information that Spain intends to focus on migration in its labor market policy in the future.
This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast / Michael Thaler as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/spain-economy-boom/

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Former Coal City Becomes Climate Leader: Bottrop’s Energy Transition

The energy transition—shifting from coal, oil, and gas to renewable energy—only works if everyone can participate. Bottrop, a city in western Germany, shows how this can be done. Once a coal-mining hub, Bottrop has transformed by replacing heating systems, renovating buildings, and installing solar panels—all in just a few years.
The energy transition is crucial for addressing the climate crisis. As a result of the ongoing use of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, the planet continues to warm. Consequently, the effects are becoming clearer each year: longer, hotter summers, drying rivers, and heavy rains that cause floods.
In order to tackle the climate crisis, we must stop using fossil fuels. For instance, cars need to run on electricity from water, wind, and solar power. Oil and gas heating systems should be replaced by heat pumps. Furthermore, district heating systems must switch to renewable energy like geothermal power.
Bottrop: From Coal Stronghold to Energy Leader
Achieving this transition requires action from everyone. Cities around the world are involving their residents, and Bottrop is leading the way. Over the past few years, the city has replaced heating systems, upgraded buildings, and installed many solar panels. As a result, Bottrop leads Germany in heat pumps and has the highest number of solar installations in North Rhine-Westphalia.
So, what made this possible? The answer lies in a proactive energy policy that directly engages the community.
Unlike many cities where people need to find advice on their own, Bottrop’s approach is more hands-on. Energy advisors go door-to-door, speaking directly with residents about renovation options. The city also holds workshops and information sessions to encourage more people to get involved.
A Fair and Collaborative Approach
Research shows that climate policy success depends on how it affects people’s lives and how fair it is. Bottrop’s “One-Stop-Shop” model ensures residents get all the help they need in one place. This includes technical advice and financial support, thus making the energy transition easier for everyone.
Moreover, this model is becoming popular across Europe. It helps residents find the best deals for renovations and works with social housing to ensure that improvements benefit everyone, including those in affordable housing.
Public Support is Key to Success
Bottrop shows the real challenge isn’t the technology. The tools for the energy transition already exist and continue to improve. Instead, the challenge is getting people involved. Residents must be willing to replace heating systems, renovate homes, and support new wind turbines and power lines. They also need to support policies that create the legal framework for these changes.
Bottrop has proven that with support and involvement, the energy transition can succeed. This success offers a model for other cities working toward a sustainable and fair future.This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast / Kontrast Redaktion as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/former-coal-city-climate-leader-bottrop-energy-transition/

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From coal to solar and wind power plants: Towards a renewable energy production in India, Pennsylvania, and the Philippines

The transition to renewable energy production must be tackled globally. Three examples from India, the US state of Pennsylvania and the Philippines show that climate-friendly power generation can succeed. They are leaving coal behind them and are building large solar and wind power plants. This is because coal, oil and gas are fossil fuels that are extremely harmful to the climate. To combat the climate crisis, we need to be replace them with renewable energy sources.
Renewable energy in India: the world’s largest solar park
The world’s largest solar and wind power plant is being built in a barren salt desert in western India. Once completed in 5 years, it will supply around 16 million Indian households with electricity from renewable sources. The construction of this park will cost 20 billion dollars. The park will be one of the most important and largest clean energy sources in the world. The company behind the project is AGEL (Adani Green Energy Limited), which once made its fortune with coal and is now turning to renewable energy production.

“A region so large, a region that is so unencumbered, there’s no wildlife, there’s no vegetation, there’s no habitation. There is no better alternative use of that land,” said the managing director Adani about the site in the middle of a salt desert.

India spends 100 billion US dollars on the transition to renewable energy
With the huge solar and wind farm India wants to make its own energy policy fit for the future. The power plant is intended to reduce environmental pollution, achieve climate goals, and meet energy requirements at the same time. After all, India is not only one of the countries with the highest population in the world, but also one of the fastest growing economies. The demand for electricity is correspondingly high. Until now, 70% of India’s electricity has been generated by coal. But that is now set to change. The company is planning to invest 100 billion US dollars in the transition to renewable energy in India over the next decade, with 70% of the investment earmarked for clean energy.
After all, if India were to fall back on fossil fuels, the consequences the climate crisis would be catastrophic. Not only globally, but also for its own country. This is because India – like other South Asian countries – is repeatedly overwhelmed by extreme heatwaves. These heatwaves have led to power cuts, extreme air pollution and increased glacial melting in the north of the country. Since 1992, more than 24,000 people have died from heatwaves in India.
Pennsylvania replaces its largest coal-fired power station with a solar farm
Pennsylvania closed one of its largest coal-fired power stations in June 2023 and is now building a huge – 2,700-hectare – solar farm instead. The solar farm will be built in close proximity to the old power station to prevent further damaging of the environment. Once the plant is up and running, it will supply 75,000 households with green electricity. The costs amount to 90 million US dollars. The Mineral Basin Solar Project fills a critical gap in power generation and creates 750 new jobs. The plant is expected to be completed in 2026.
A gigantic solar park like this is being build in Pennsylvania. (Unsplash: Nuno Marques)
A huge photovoltaic park in the Philippines
Ambitions are also high in the Philippines when it comes to switching to solar and wind energy: With around 5 million solar panels on 3,500 hectares, the energy company SPNEC (Solar Philippines New Energy Corporation) planes to build one of the biggest solar parks in the world – probably even larger than the one in India. The park will go into operation in 2026. If the project succeeds a large proportion of the Philippines’ energy requirements will be covered by renewable energies.
Unlike in India or Pennsylvania, the solar park in the Philippines is being built on a large area of forest. This is of course problematic. It further destroys the habitat of animals and plants. Experience has shown that this has a negative impact on local biodiversity. However, this diversity is essential for maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
Climate-friendly power generation: Away from coal and gas
Scientists have agreed for a long time that we can only stop the climate crisis if we replace environmentally harmful energy sources with renewables. This means moving away from gas and coal and towards wind, water and solar energy. Many countries and regions now have realized this: The global output of wind energy, for example, doubled between 2014 and 2020. India, Pennsylvania, and the Philippines are all taking a step towards renewable energy and are examples of how future energy needs can be met in a climate-friendly way.
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Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in action for years, risking the collapse of the unique ecosystem. But the election of Lula da Silva as president in early 2023 brought hope. He announced that he would put an end to the deforestation of the Amazon. He seems to be keeping his promise as, compared to November 2022, deforestation in the Amazon fell by 64% in November 2023.
The Amazon rainforest is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth. This makes it particularly important in the fight against climate change. Despite this, illegal deforestation persists. This was especially evident under the right-wing nationalist ex-president Jair Bolsonaro. During his time in office, rainforest deforestation increased by around 75%.
The current president, Lula da Silva, promised to stop deforestation when he took office – and it looks like Silva is keeping his promise. Compared to the previous year, deforestation fell by 64% in November 2023. According to the Brazilian Space Agency (INPE), around 200 square kilometres were destroyed. This is the smallest area since the evaluations began. It is also the first time since 2018 that less than 10,000 square kilometres have been deforested in one year.
“Brazil is ready to resume its role in the fight against the climate crisis and protect all ecosystems, especially the Amazon. Our government once managed to reduce forest destruction by 80 per cent. Now let’s all fight together for zero deforestation!”
After six months in office, the BBC report initial successes in the fight against deforestation. Compared to the first half of the previous year, deforestation has been reduced by 33.6%. In June 2023, 41% less forest was destroyed than in the previous year. Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva attributes this to Lula’s successful environmental policy.
Lula’s goal of ending deforestation by 2030 is a major challenge. This is because deforestation reached alarming proportions under his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro. The new conservation plan published by President Lula at the beginning of June 2023 aims to achieve this goal. Among other things, it provides for the confiscation of half of all illegally used land within protected areas, as well as higher penalties for illegal deforestation.
The Brazilian president also calls on other countries – especially the rich West – to contribute financially to saving the “green lungs of the Earth” in order to combat the global climate crisis.
A study attests that Lula’s plans have the potential to actually reduce deforestation in the Amazon by 89%. In any case, Lula will not have an easy time of it. The left-wing president still faces a conservative majority in parliament.
This is sorely needed, as the Amazon has been badly affected in recent years. When Lula first moved into the presidential palace in 2003, he launched an ambitious programme to save the rainforest. He and his successor Dilma Rousseff, who like Lula comes from Brazil’s left-wing Workers’ Party, succeeded in reducing deforestation by 80% to a historic low. But when Bolsonaro came to power in 2019, Brazil made a U-turn in its environmental policy.
Bolsonaro willingly granted concessions to allow corporations to clear the rainforest for soya and palm oil cultivation, cattle breeding and mining. Illegally cleared areas were legalised by Bolsonaro and forest fires were only half-heartedly combated. Deforestation increased sharply by 70 per cent under his government.
Under Bolsonaro, the Amazon’s carbon footprint has turned around. For the first time, it is emitting more CO2 than it can bind. This was revealed in a study by researchers from the French National Institute for Agronomic Research. The scientists mainly analysed satellite data documenting the plant biomass in the rainforest and its deforestation. The result: the Amazon basin released around 16.6 billion tonnes of CO₂ into the environment, but only absorbed around 13.9 tonnes. This 2.7 billion tonne difference is roughly Austria’s consumption for 35 years.
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The Amazon currently has a perfectly functioning water cycle. Inland regions actually have too little rainfall for a tropical rainforest. But the trees suck the groundwater upwards, it evaporates and rains down again over the huge forest area. This cycle could be permanently disrupted by further deforestation. The rainforest would slowly die off, turn into a savannah and change the climate around the world.
This process would release as much CO2 as the entire world consumes in seven years. The unique ecosystem, which is home to 10% of all species, would be irretrievably lost and with it the CO2-binding effect of the rainforest. Scientists assume that this tipping point is reached at a deforestation rate of 20 to 25%. We are currently at 18%.
Just a few days after taking office, Lula’s government took action and carried out controls in the rainforest against illegal deforestation. As reported by Reuters, checks were carried out in areas that are all within the Cachoeira Seca indigenous reserve, where deforestation is strictly prohibited.
While deforestation is decreasing, the number of fires continues to rise, as satellite monitoring shows. Whether this is due to natural causes or arson cannot be determined.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast / Marco Pühringer as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/amazon-deforestation-reduced/

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Finland is successfully fighting homelessness – despite new political developments

No more homelessness – a goal that sounds like utopian fiction may become reality soon. The “Housing First” concept in Finland, supported by NGOs like the Y-Foundation, is aiming towards the end of homelessness in 2027. In a new interview, Juha Kahila, Head of International Affairs at the Y-Foundation, talks about the implementation of “Housing First”, new developments in politics and his hopes for the future.
The “Housing First” project in Finland is still successfully reducing homelessness. Those affected by homelessness receive an apartment and additional support without any preconditions. The result: The number of people without housing is decreasing steadily since the 80s. In 2022, there were 3,686 homeless people in Finland, which is 262 less than in 2021. The aim is to end homelessness in Finland by 2027. We’ve already reported on this in a previous article.
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New developments on “Housing First” in Finland
A key stakeholder in the Finnish fight against homelessness is the Y-Foundation. The NGO has been providing housing for the homeless since 1985. It is now one of the sponsors of the “Housing First” policy in the country. It organizes housing and is the fourth largest landlord in Finland. Today, it manages 19,000 apartments throughout Finland. 7,000 of these apartments are specifically for homeless people or people who are about to become homeless.
In a recent interview Juha Kahila who works as Coordinator and Lead Coordinator of the National Housing First Development Network at the Y-Foundation is talking about the process of “Housing First”. He gives detailed information about the financial benefits of the housing project and explains the role of the Finnish government in the realization of this concept.
A new development is the election of a conservative government in 2023. Kahila believes that the success of “Housing First” is depending on whether the new government is cutting certain social benefits. But he is still hopeful that the goal of ending homelessness can be achieved. Furthermore, he thinks that organizations and political decision-makers in other countries can be inspired by the project and that this will help the countries greatly in the long term.
Interview with Juha Kahila from the Y-Foundation about the implementation of “Housing First” in Finland
Kontrast.at spoke to Juha Kahila about the successful Finnish concept and the Y-Foundation. He has been involved in helping the homeless for over 10 years and worked at the Finnish Youth Housing Association services (NALPA) before becoming its CEO. He later moved to the Y-Foundation, where he now works as Head of International Affairs. You can read the interview in German here.
Juha Kahila (Photo: Juha Kahila:Twitter)
Mr. Kahila, what does the process of the allocation of housing look like? How does a person approach you and how long does it take to get an apartment?
Juha Kahila: First of all, before a person becomes homeless, most people have already tried a lot to prevent this. If someone still loses their apartment, they can consider – together with one of our social workers – what the best housing solution and form of support is. In other words, whether it should be a single apartment with occasional support or a “Housing First” unit, i.e. an apartment in a “Housing First” complex where help is available around the clock.
At the moment, we can provide both housing and support very quickly. Only if someone wants to live in a specific “Housing First” unit they may have to wait longer for an apartment. But many people want to wait in temporary accommodation anyway and that is always possible.
Social benefits begin to flow immediately. Depending on the person’s situation, we also consider appropriate job opportunities. For example, the “Housing First” units offer low-threshold employment provision themselves.
The Y-Foundation always works together with other agencies. We provide the housing. Support, advice, social services and other services are then provided by the welfare districts and other organizations.
Common rooms – and even a sauna: This is what the “Housing First” houses look like
What do these apartments or houses look like? Are they spread throughout the city?
Juha Kahila: The apartments are mainly quite ordinary. 80 percent of the apartments are scattered around the city. The rest are in “Housing First” units, each with around 33 to 100 apartments in one building and support services on the ground floor. The apartments are equipped with a fridge, oven, etc. The residents furnish the rest themselves so that they feel at home. In the “Housing First” units, there are also communal areas where people can cook, watch TV together or just meet and chat.
Housing First Unit Väinolä in Espoo, Finland. (Foto: Y-Foundation, zVg)
There are certainly people who say it is unfair that many people have to spend a large part of their income on housing, while others simply get it “for free”. What do you say to them?
Juha Kahila: The answer is that housing is a human right. If that’s not enough of an argument, we explain that it actually saves money to provide housing in this way – and to avoid people having to sleep in emergency accommodation or on the street. We explain that the city is also safer for everyone if we really take care of everyone.
Besides, nothing is given away for free, people pay rent for their apartments. Of course, in the early stages most of them pay their rent through various social benefits. But a permanent home gives them the chance to contribute more again.
You and the Y-Foundation say that it is cheaper for the state to provide housing for the homeless than to have them remain in their situation. What does this calculation look like?
Juha Kahila: It’s true that ending homelessness saves money in the long run. The reason behind this is that people don’t have to use expensive emergency services. They spend fewer nights in prison, they less often need police or legal services and so on. In Finland, we have calculated that the savings are around 15,000 euros per person per year if they get housing instead of being left in shelters or on the streets.
Once people have a home and the help they need, the resources that are needed for the other shelters and services are freed up. In addition, homeless people become taxpayers again in the long run – but we haven’t even included that in our calculation.
Overall, the effects are multifaceted. We studied this in Finland and there are studies worldwide that show the same result: It is always cheaper to house people with support than to leave them in emergency shelters or on the streets.
The initiative for “Housing First” came from the Finnish government
In Finland, there is a lot of political support for the “Housing First” approach. How did this come about – who convinced whom?
Juha Kahila: The “Housing First” model was inherently a political decision in Finland. It worked differently here than in many other countries, where organizations and other stakeholders had to explain to politicians why it makes sense. In Finland, politicians had to convince the stakeholders! With carrots and sticks, so to speak.

The politicians said: We want to change the system. If you are on board, we will help you with the renovation of the apartments. If you’re not on board, we won’t buy the accomodation you provide. So, there has been a ‘gentle push’.

However, we currently have a government that wants to cut social benefits and build less affordable housing in the future. Of course, this presents us with challenges. But we are not despairing, we are working with the tools we have.
What about other countries: Do NGOs or political representatives come to you to learn from your experience with “Housing First”?
Juha Kahila: Yes, we get several hundred visitors every year and many of them are political decision-makers: Ministers, mayors and EU decision-makers. In addition, many groups come and get inspiration for their own work.
Do you know of any comparable international projects?
Juha Kahila: There is currently great work on this in Denmark and Austria and I believe that this will benefit the countries greatly in the long term.
No one should be homeless by 2027 – Helsinki wants to achieve this goal by 2025
The Finnish government wants to eliminate homelessness completely by 2027. Will that work out?
Juha Kahila: That depends on the decisions of the current government. If not all the cuts are implemented, I firmly believe that it will be possible to end homelessness by the end of 2027.
Helsinki has an even more ambitious goal: the city wants to end homelessness by the end of 2025. They also have an excellent program, so this goal can also be achieved.
Are there also criticisms of “Housing First” and if so, from whom?
Juha Kahila: Sometimes, yes. Mostly from people who think that “Housing First” is only about housing and who don’t realize that other forms of support are an essential part of the model. Of course, we all need to do a better job in the future to reduce these prejudices.
What motivates you personally to work at the Y-Foundation?
Juha Kahila: The foundation really wants to change the world and is taking concrete measures to do so. Reducing homelessness worldwide is a goal that I can easily and happily support. We want to do everything we can to ensure that one day everyone has a home.
Is there a story of a person that you particularly remember and would like to share?
Juha Kahila: I used to be a social worker and worked with a young man for several years. At some point, he no longer needed support and was ready to live independently. This fall, after several years, he suddenly called to let me know that he had become a father and that he really wanted to tell me about it. The thought of that always makes me smile.
This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast.at / Kathrin Glösel as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/interview-juha-kahila-housing-first-finnland/

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Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look for alternatives to the neoliberal economic system. In Colombia, the Gustavo Petro led government has spent the last year restructuring the previously isolated sector of small businesses and cooperatives. Petro wants to shift away from this model, and into a solidarity-based system. 
The German-language Latin America news portal amerika21 reports that the establishment of a solidarity sector is intended to promote small domestic companies in Colombia. These companies include coffee producers, food vendors, artists and small businesses in the construction sector. The Colombian government has already initiated solidarity-based associations of micro-businesses in eleven regions, with a total of 33 of these projects planned. At a year-end meeting in Ibagué, 3,200 organisations celebrated the development of the solidarity economy in the country.
The co-operatives, small businesses and small-scale farmers in the eleven regions have joined together to form so-called circuits. This means that, based on the interactions between their products and services, the businesses have also formed cross-sector networks. For example, the “Circuit for Industry, Trade and Tourism” has been created in the northern department of La Guajira and the “Circuit for Tourism and Renewable Energies” in the desert region of Tatacoa.
In the “Solidarity Network of Coffee” (Cafesol) in the department of Huila, small coffee farmers can now join forces instead of competing against each other.
Last year, the government department for solidarity organisation in Colombia launched a project to create a solidarity sector. Initially, the department organised local meetings on the topic of the solidarity economy, where small-scale farmers, cooperatives and micro-enterprises could get to know each other and exchange ideas. Entrepreneurs were then trained to take on leadership positions in an educational programme. This enabled existing cooperatives to be strengthened and new cycles to be established.
President Gustavo Petro emphasises the strategic importance of the solidarity sector for the economy in Colombia:
“We want associations of small shopkeepers alongside the financial cooperatives. We want associations of small potato farmers who join forces to obtain subsidised loans so that they can begin the light industrialisation of their products.”
In addition, 30% of state contracts will no longer be carried out by large companies in future. Rather, they will be taken by joint co-operatives. This applies to projects such as road construction. The mergers of small companies therefore make it possible to complete larger contracts, which in turn generates more profit for the sector.
The Colombian government under the presidency of Gustavo Petro shows that there are alternatives to the neoliberal model. Instead of emphasising competition, the economy is to be geared more towards a principle of solidarity by promoting the cooperative sector. The project suggests that it is possible to strengthen the local economy with the help of small businesses and cooperatives. With the development of a solidarity-based sector, small businesses can be maintained and further developed collectively.
This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite Kontrast.at / Anna Drujan as the original source/author and set a link to this article on Scoop.me. https://thebetter.news/colombia-promotes-economic-cooperation/

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Off the street and into a home: over 1,000 homeless in Austria get a flat

An initiative by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, non-profit building associations and the Federal Working Group for Assistance to the Homeless aims to get around 1,000 homeless people into housing by September 2024. To achieve this, Austria is adopting the successful “Housing First” concept. The basic idea is simple, homeless people are given their own home – with no strings attached. It has been found that the housing first method helps 80% of homeless people involved find their way back into society.
Austria is one of the ten richest countries in the EU and yet over 20,000 people have no home. They are homeless and living on the streets. Day in, day out, they struggle to survive, especially when winter hits. In order to help these people in the long term, Austria is now switching to the successful “Housing First” model. Experts have been calling for this for a long time. Finland, for example, has drastically reduced homelessness over the last ten years with this model.
With the “Housing First Austria – arriving at home” initiative, the Ministry of Social Affairs wants to offer over 1,000 homeless people a new home in the long term. Instead of emergency accommodation or temporary solutions, they are to be given their own flat with a tenancy agreement.
By September 2024, 512 affordable flats are to be provided by non-profit building associations for this purpose. The project is being managed by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (BAWO).
The costs for financial support, relocation and deposits are to be subsidised by the Ministry of Social Affairs with a contribution of around 6.6 million euros. The formerly homeless people pay the rent and ancillary costs themselves.
Social workers will accompany and support those affected as required. They will help with personal crises, financial matters and coping with everyday life.
The “housing first approach” is quite simple. Homeless people are first given their own flat – with no strings attached. This means that they do not have to complete any addiction programmes, use any therapeutic services or have a job. All of that can wait.
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The approach is based on the assumption that people first need security and a place to feel safe. Only then will they gradually find their way back into life and society. This seems to be the case, as international examples such as Finland, Denver and Houston show. Studies show that 80% of formerly homeless people find their way back into a stable life through this method.
The concept is actually nothing new. It has been used by several organisations for years. These include Caritas Vienna, the Neunerhaus homeless aid organisation and various women’s shelters. Experts have long been calling for the government to facilitate the approach with the required level of financial backing.
Giving homeless people a new home is not only more humane, but also cheaper. This is because where people are in need, emergencies happen more often. Injuries, breakdowns, assaults and rescue operations. This not only places demand on the police, health and justice systems, but also costs money.
For the state, the “housing first” concept is more favourable than ignoring the problem of homelessness.
Around 20,000 people in Austria have no home. The number of unreported cases is estimated to be much higher. This is because the system only registers those who seek help and are registered. The majority of them, almost 60 per cent, live in Vienna. Vienna’s homelessness organisation assumes that almost 4,000 of them are under the age of 30.
There are many reasons for homelessness, such as unpredictable misfortunes, accidents, addictions or mental health problems, to name just the most dramatic. But homelessness can be easy to fall foul of:
“It doesn’t take a stroke of fate to become homeless. Transitional phases are often enough: A young person who has to leave their parents’ home. A separation. An expiring tenancy agreement. Anyone who has no access to affordable housing in such situations runs the risk of becoming homeless,” explains Elizabeth Hammer, Chairwoman of BAWO.
Critics of homelessness assistance often blame the individual for their own homelessness. But that would be too simplistic. After all, high inflation, rising rents and the lack of affordable housing also contribute to people ending up on the streets. Some people can simply no longer afford to live. Läs mer…

The Swedes defy Elon Musk and bring Tesla to a standstill.

The Swedes have brought Tesla to a standstill. Billionaire Elon Musk’s company refuses to negotiate with the Swedish union over wages and working conditions. As a result, 120 Tesla mechanics went on strike. Workers in transportation, postal services, cleaning, and other industries quickly joined the strike. Now, the strike could potentially spread to other European countries.
Elon Musk is far from a friend of labor unions. The billionaire and CEO of Tesla and X (formerly Twitter) have been cracking down on worker organizing in his companies worldwide. Union members at Elon Musk’s companies are fired, and their activities are spied upon.
This anti-union policy is now being pursued by the billionaire in Sweden as well. However, Swedish unions are not backing down. What started as a conflict between Tesla management and 120 Swedish workers has now paralyzed the company. The likelihood of the conflict expanding to other European countries is increasing.
Musk is against collective bargaining agreements
In Sweden, as in most European countries, wages and working conditions are regulated by collective bargaining agreements. Unions negotiate a contract with management that applies to all employees.
Musk and Tesla, however, do not support such collective bargaining negotiations. Those who want to work at Tesla must negotiate wages and working conditions individually with management. The result for most Tesla employees is that they earn less than their counterparts in other companies in the industry.
Tesla is in constant conflict with labor unions. However, the electric car company is likely to face a tough challenge from Sweden’s labor unions. Foto (unsplash)
This is also the case in Sweden. There, 120 mechanics in Tesla’s Swedish subsidiary are said to earn less than the industry average and have worse pension and insurance conditions. For years, the Swedish Metalworkers’ Union has been trying to convince Tesla to sign a collective bargaining agreement to address this issue. However, the company has not budged, leading the 120 Tesla mechanics to go on strike.
Post, transportation, suppliers – no one wants to work for Tesla anymore
The 120 mechanics, however, were not alone for long. Dockworkers supported the Tesla workers and blocked the import of new Tesla vehicles through the country’s ports. Workers at a Tesla supplier, Hydro Extrusions, which manufactures aluminum components for Tesla, are also now supporting the strike. Production has come to a halt until Tesla meets the demands of its workers.
Taxi drivers, cleaning staff, and painters have also joined the strike. Stockholm’s largest taxi company no longer buys Teslas for its fleet, cleaning staff refuse to clean Tesla buildings, and painters refuse to repaint Teslas.
Cleaning staff, in solidarity with the striking Tesla mechanics, refuse to clean Tesla’s buildings.
However, Tesla is particularly affected by the actions of the state-owned postal company, Post Nord. In Sweden, vehicle license plates are only sent from a central location: Post Nord. Post employees are now refusing to send license plates for Tesla. You can still buy a new Tesla in Sweden, but you can’t drive it. Tesla is now seeking a court ruling to have license plates delivered for their cars.
Musk calls strike “insane”
Elon Musk and Tesla have remained silent on the strikes in Sweden so far. However, when postal workers joined the strike, he commented on X (formerly Twitter): “This is insane.”

This is insane
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 23, 2023

Tesla is reportedly planning to fly in workers from other countries to undermine the strike. The head of the Metalworkers’ Union, Marie Nilsson, commented on this, saying, “We haven’t seen anything like this in Sweden since 1937 or so.” The following year, 1938, is considered the beginning of the Swedish social partnership.
The unions won’t back down, according to the head of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Susanna Gideonsson:
“It will end with the employees getting a collective agreement in one way or another.” When asked what would happen if Tesla doesn’t sign a collective agreement, she replied: “Then Tesla can leave the country.”
First Sweden, then Europe?
The strike in Sweden could end disastrously for Tesla. Unions in Norway have already announced their intent to prevent Teslas from entering Norwegian ports and being transported to Sweden by land. The strike could also spread to Denmark. Post Nord, the state-owned postal company that does not send Tesla license plates in Sweden, operates in the neighboring country as well.
However, the biggest threat to Tesla lies in Germany. In 2022, the company opened a large factory with around 11,000 employees (according to Tesla) there. This factory produces the majority of Teslas for the European market. Similar to Sweden, Tesla is refusing to negotiate with unions in Germany over wages and working conditions.
The factory in Germany reportedly has a high number of workplace accidents. Employees also criticize significant work pressure and the lack of safety and health precautions.
Elon Musk is facing increasing pressure
The Tesla CEO is already under significant financial pressure. His acquisition of Twitter (now X) did not go as planned. The social media platform has lost thousands of users in recent months and has been plagued by negative press, including massive layoffs. Musk largely financed the purchase of Twitter with Tesla shares.
However, things are not going well for Tesla either. The production of the new Cybertruck model is facing significant challenges. Thousands have already pre-ordered the Tesla pickup truck, but due to rising raw material prices and planning issues, Tesla seems unable to fulfill the orders.
“With the Cybertruck model, we’ve dug our own grave,” Elon Musk told investors.
There are also problems with existing models. Tesla had to recall 55,000 cars just last month. In addition, Tesla is being investigated for fraud. Tesla is accused of misleading customers and potential buyers about the ability to use the autonomous driving mode.
If the strike in Sweden spreads to other European countries, it will further increase the political and financial pressure on Tesla and Elon Musk. Läs mer…

“Common-Good”: Germany to provide greater support for social enterprises

The German government has unveiled its “national strategy” to provide comprehensive assistance and support for common-good-oriented companies. In the future, companies that focus on social and societal goals will find it easier to receive subsidies or loans. Around the world, there are more and more companies that strive for fair supply chains, sustainable production and hiring disadvantaged people. But a strategy, as in Germany, is mostly still missing. 
The German government’s “National Strategy for Social Innovation and Public Benefit Enterprises” comprises a total of 70 proposals for improvement. The strategy is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Education. It aims to make the economy more ecological, sustainable and socially acceptable. This means less environmental pollution, no more human rights violations in supply chains and more occupational safety and fair wages for everyone involved.

This creates “improved access to financial support”, invests in the “expansion of the ecosystem”, and improves “the legal framework” according to Robert Habeck, Germany’s economy minister.

The program provides for the reduction of bureaucratic hurdles for start-ups with a common-good-orientation. In addition, the German Government will establish a central contact point for founders of social enterprises in October. 
Beside the simplified legal framework, the criteria for grants and subsidies will also be changed. For example, goals such as sustainable business and social responsibility will play a greater role in the awarding of the EXIST start-up grant. 
According to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, no changes to the law are necessary for this. As a result, implementation could take place quite quickly.
Common-good-oriented companies ensure that all employees are treated and paid fairly, from the extraction of raw materials to production and delivery. (Photo: Unsplash)
Companies can get loans more easily if they are not exclusively profit-driven
The German government does not make new money or new funding pots available for the strategy. Rather, it wants to open up existing economic development programs to public-benefit companies and make it easier for them to access loans. 
Until now, companies with a common-good-orientation usually had it very difficult to obtain bank loans or economic subsidies. This is because most banks and funders evaluate applications based on their likely economic success rather than the social contribution a company makes to society. A company that has the common good as its goal is therefore of little interest to them and not worthy of support.
What are Common-Good-oriented Companies?
Common-Good-oriented companies are not concerned with absolute profit maximization. Instead, they pursue social goals that benefit society. For example, by ensuring fair and transparent supply and production chains. This would bring fair wages and safe working conditions for all workers involved in a product or service.
In essence, the common good is about respect for human dignity, preservation of the environment, and solidarity with all. From the extraction of raw materials to production and delivery, the aim is to prevent environmentally harmful and unsustainable production, exploitative labor conditions and human rights violations. 
According to the Organization “Economy for Common-Good” there are more than there are over 1,000 companies in 35 countries that are committed to the common good.  
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It is not only about the well-being of all involved, but also about the well-being of society and the environment itself. Thus, in addition to social goals, environmental standards and sustainability goals such as those of the EU (Social Economy Action Plan) or the resolutions of the United Nations and the OECD are to be observed. Läs mer…