Gas Price Cap, Rent Controls, and Affordable Food: Why Spain’s Economy is Booming

While the economy in some EU countries is stagnating and even slipping into recession, Spain’s economy is showing rapid growth. Spain’s socialist Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has implemented government interventions to regulate prices. This approach has kept inflation low over the past few years and stimulated economic growth. As a result, Spain is now a driving force within the EU and is projected to have the highest economic growth rate in the Eurozone for 2024.
Price Controls as a Successful Economic Strategy
Spain is one of the EU countries that has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic, energy crisis, and inflation surge particularly well. Its economic growth in recent years has far surpassed the EU average, and predictions for 2024 estimate a growth rate of 2.4–2.7%, making Spain the fastest-growing economy in the Eurozone. The Sánchez government took action during the energy crisis by intervening in prices, which helped keep inflation consistently low. Key measures included a gas price cap and rent controls, which helped curb price increases. In addition, the government suspended VAT on essential food items, helping to ease the burden of rising food costs.
Immigration as a Key to Spain’s Prosperity
Another factor behind Spain’s strong economic growth is the influx of skilled workers, particularly from Latin America. This immigration has eased the labor shortage in sectors like technology and hospitality. New immigration policies are expected to support this trend further.
While many European countries focus on restricting immigration, Spain has embraced an open approach. In mid-October 2024, Sánchez presented his plans to the Spanish Parliament, emphasizing that immigration is not only a humanitarian issue but also essential for the country’s economic future:
“It is necessary for the prosperity of our economy and the sustainability of the welfare state.”
The government plans to simplify the recognition of foreign qualifications, introduce a new labor migration program, and reduce bureaucratic hurdles for residence permits. At the same time, integration measures are being expanded.
Lowest Unemployment Rate in 15 Years
Spain’s unemployment rate skyrocketed following the financial crisis of the late 2000s. However, it has now fallen to around 11.3%, the lowest level in 15 years. This improvement is largely due to the robust economic growth under Sánchez’s leadership during recent crises.
Despite being high by European standards, many sectors in Spain, such as technology and construction, are facing a shortage of skilled workers. Rural areas, in particular, are struggling with depopulation and are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain essential infrastructure.
“We have elderly people who need caregivers but can’t find them. Businesses are looking for programmers, technicians, and builders but can’t find them. Rural schools need more children to avoid closing,” said Prime Minister Sánchez.
Sánchez also plans to ask the European Commission to bring forward the implementation of the EU-wide migration pact to next year. Under this plan, migrants and asylum seekers would be more evenly distributed among EU member states based on factors like GDP and population.
Spain’s Financial Market More Stable than France
Spain’s positive economic developments are also reflected in its financial market. Recently, the yields on 10-year French government bonds surpassed those of Spain for the first time. In simple terms, investors now receive a higher return for purchasing French government bonds compared to Spanish ones, suggesting that investors see Spain as a lower-risk country than France, the EU’s second-largest economy.
In January 2024, Spain’s bond yields were still 0.4 percentage points higher than France’s. During the worst of the Eurozone crisis, the difference between Spanish and French bonds was nearly five percentage points.

This article was updated on October 11 to include the information that Spain intends to focus on migration in its labor market policy in the future.
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Gas price brake, rent cap & tax-free food: Spain most successful in fighting inflation in the EU

Spain has the lowest inflation rate in the EU. What are the Spanish under Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez doing differently—and better? First and foremost, gas price caps and the rent brake are curbing prices. Next year, they will go one step further: VAT on basic foodstuffs will fall, making food cheaper in one fell swoop.
Left-ruled Spain now announced, at the end of December, the third major anti-inflation aid package this year to relieve the Spanish population from inflation. This package includes 10 billion euros, bringing the total amount that the government of Pedro Sánchez (of the socialist PSOE) has put in place since the beginning of the year to cushion inflation to 45 billion euros.
First, the aid package includes a one-time payment of 200 euros for about 4.2 million low-income households (up to about 27,000 euros) and an extension of tax cuts on energy bills for the first half of next year. In addition, all pensions are to be increased by 8.5 percent, and particularly low pensions by as much as 15 percent.
Success in Spain: lower electricity prices and the lowest inflation rate in the EU
There has already been direct aid, concessions on loans and price brakes: rents in the country may increase by a maximum of two percent per year. According to Sanchez, the aim is to ensure that aid reaches those who really need it.
In particular, the gas price brake, which Spain and Portugal were the first in Europe to introduce in May, proved to be an effective intervention to curb prices. Compared with November last year, electricity prices fell by over 22 percent. The gas price brake is in place for 12 months and ensures that gas costs a maximum of 50 euros per megawatt hour. By comparison, wholesale gas prices peaked at 1,000 euros per MWh in the summer.
Inflation over the past 12 months slowed to 6.7 percent in November. It is the lowest rate of the 27 EU member states.
Spain has the lowest inflation rate in the EU (photo: Eurostat)
Bread and milk tax-free: Sánchez government will reduce food prices
Currently, food prices are a thorn in the sight of the population, but also of the government. This is because they have risen by 15 percent compared with the fall of last year.
That’s why Spain’s government announced that it will reduce VAT next year on staple foods such as bread, cheese, milk, fruit and vegetables, and cereals from 4 percent to 0 percent. For pasta and cooking oils, the VAT will be cut in half to 5 percent, he said.
Sánchez also said he would extend subsidies for train commuters for another year and further limit rent increases.
However, the reduction in the price of gasoline for consumers:inside, except the transport industry, will be discontinued.
The result of the left-wing government’s policies: economic growth in Spain was more than 5 percent in 2022 and therefore even exceeded government forecasts. The country will be able to avoid a recession next year.
This work is licensed under the Creative Common License. It can be republished for free, either translated or in the original language. In both cases, please cite / Kathrin Glösel as the original source/author and set a link to this article on
The rights to the content remain with the original publisher. Läs mer…